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Dermal fillers restore lost volume and enhance features that appear sunken or hollow over time. But with so many filler products on the market, it can be hard to know which is right for your needs. VIVIFY Med Spa is a proud provider of Renuva, a cutting-edge dermal filler that uses purified donor fat to promote new tissue growth.

Want to learn about the benefits of Renuva? Call to meet with certified master injector Michelle Buchanan in Tampa, FL. Our trained team members know how to manage a wide range of issues.

Volume loss in the face, neck, and hands

As we age, it’s not uncommon to lose volume in different areas. The face and neck may begin to appear sunken or hollowed. Our hands may also lose essential support structures over time, leading to deep wrinkles and creases.

In addition to natural aging, other factors contribute to volume loss. These include sun exposure, weight fluctuations, and even smoking. People may feel self-conscious about these changes and long for a youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

How do dermal fillers help?

Dermal fillers are nonsurgical injectables used to restore volume and enhance your features. These treatments provide a subtle lift to smooth out wrinkles and creases. Fillers are made with materials like hyaluronic acid and poly-L-lactic acid, and while these materials are generally considered safe for cosmetic use, there are more natural ways to achieve your desired outcomes.

How is Renuva different?

Some people turn to fat transfer procedures like liposuction if they want a natural filler option. However, this invasive treatment may require incisions and long recovery times. And not everyone is a candidate for fat removal.

Renuva, on the other hand, uses purified donor fat to help create your desired results. This product also contains growth factors that help promote the formation of new tissue. Our unique formula is designed to deliver long-lasting results without the need for liposuction surgery.

Why choose Renuva injections?

There are many advantages to choosing Renuva over other dermal fillers. This product can be used to treat wrinkles and creases that make you feel self-conscious. It can also volumize noticeable indentations from scars or cellulite. Our patients at VIVIFY Med Spa report excellent results with minimal downtime or side effects.

How does Renuva work?

Our certified master injector begins the process with a skin assessment to determine your candidacy for Renuva injections. We then create a custom dermal filler treatment plan to address your unique concerns.

VIVIFY Med Spa uses a topical anesthetic to ensure your comfort throughout the process. Renuva is skillfully administered into the treatment areas using a thin needle, then massaged into place for even disbursement.

Your Renuva results

Renuva injections require no downtime, and you should return to normal activities almost immediately. Patients begin to see results after a series of 2 – 3 sessions over a period of several weeks. Noticeable outcomes appear in about three months as your body responds to the growth factors in Renuva. These results are beautiful and long-lasting, but occasional touch-ups may be necessary to maintain optimal outcomes.

Smooth out your skin with Renuva

Volume loss doesn't just impact your appearance – many people feel embarrassed about wrinkles and hollow areas in their face, neck, and hands. VIVIFY Med Spa offers many dermal filler options in Tampa, FL. Schedule a consultation with certified master injector Michelle Buchanan and learn how Renuva injections can restore your skin.

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