While everyone’s situation is different, recovering from a tummy tuck requires plenty of time to let your body heal properly. Tummy tucks are generally outpatient surgeries that allow you to go home the same day you have the procedure. It’s suggested that someone assist you at home for at least the first few days. Typically, we recommend at least 1-2 weeks of limitations on strenuous activity that will elevate your heart rate. During this time, it is critical that you rest as much as possible but still maintain some regular activity to avoid blood clots.
You must stay flexed at the waist with your head elevated and pillows beneath your knees. This positioning will keep your abdomen elevated and reduce the pull of skin on your stomach.
If drains were placed during your surgery, you will need to take special care of them. You will need to empty the drain bulb as it fills with fluid and take note of the amount of fluid each time it is emptied. This information is important to pass along to your surgeon to track your healing progress.
Compression garments are typically used during the recovery period as well. The garment should be worn 24 hours a day for at least the first few weeks of recovery in order to help reduce swelling and prevent fluid build-ups.
Light to moderate activity can be resumed 2-4 weeks post-surgery. Reintroduce movements very slowly, and avoid lifting anything heavy during this time. Depending on the extent of your surgery and incisions, regular activity can usually be resumed six weeks post-operation.