Kybella is an FDA approved, non-invasive injectable treatment that is used to dissolve fat cells in small areas that contain excess fat. The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule which is produced by the body for the purpose of absorbing fat.
Am I A Good Candidate for Kybella?
Kybella has proved to be a highly effective treatment for melting away fat cells, however, the results can vary greatly from patient to patient. Some patients will only need 1-2 Kybella treatment sessions, while others may need up to six treatments to achieve his or her desired result. Generally, patients can expect anywhere from two to four treatments. It is also important to remember that while Kybella is highly effective at eliminating fat cells, it does not address loose or excess skin and removal of fat in areas of excess skin might make the excess skin appear worse.